I've been poking around the internet and have discovered the Imex rancge of wagons for the Old West.
They are probably a little out of period, but they look great and I think will do well with the style of figure I am using for this project, despite being slightly under-scale.
Has anyone got any they might be willing to part with? They are not available here at the moment; I'm really keen to get a couple of the Conestegas, Prairie Schooners, Chuck Wagons and so on. I think there is even a stage-coach and a Civil War Ambulance.
I think Airfix have re-issued their wagon train set, too, so I'll be on the lookout for that.
Any takers? One of my goals is to re-fight the "Wagon Train" scenario as retold in The War Game Companion eventually, and besides, I would like to have something to take on campaign.
In further news, my first Confederate Infantry unit has been ordered. Looking forward to getting them. There will be no prises for guessing that they'll become my own 6th Alabama in homage to Mr Grant. Next will be another gun battery to go with the (still) awaited rifled guns.
In the first place I am building to the order of battle to let me fight the Sawmill Village Scenario, then The Wagon Train. Enthusiasm hopefully still in place, I'll then be looking to fight Gettysburg.
NOTE: I have not missed the interesting responses to my post on Morale. I'm working on the Morale rules and will post something on them over the weekend.
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5 minutes ago
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